Our Opportunities

Welcome to Scholarship Central!

Current Students – The General Application is currently open for the 2025-26 academic year. Please complete the General Application first, then check for any additional scholarship applications you would like to complete.

Prospective Students – Students applying for admission to Virginia Tech who wish to apply for scholarships first need to complete the admissions application. After submitting your admissions application, you will should receive an email from the Office of Admissions with instructions on creating your admissions portal login credentials. After logging into your admissions portal, you may login to the system by clicking on the Scholarship Central link. Students who applied for admission in a previous academic year should create new account credentials using the Applicant ID Number listed in the email from the Office of Admissions. Using login credentials from a previous admission application will result in a “Login Failed” error.

All Students – You should complete the General Application before attempting to complete any other scholarship application in the Scholarship Central system. The priority deadline to complete the General Scholarship Application is January 22, 2025.

All students should submit the FAFSA by January 22, 2025 for maximum scholarship consideration. Virginia Tech’s priority deadline to complete the FAFSA is March 1, 2025. If you have not done so already, please remember to complete the FAFSA by visiting: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. You must complete both the General Application and the FAFSA for maximum scholarship consideration.

Colleges with applications currently open in the system:

School of Education (SOE): deadline to apply is April 18, 2025.
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (Vet Med): deadline to apply is June 4, 2025.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: deadline to apply for current and prospective freshman is January 22, 2025. The application will close for incoming transfer students on March 15, 2025. The application will be available for incoming and returning Agricultural Technology associate degree-seeking students until May 22, 2025.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Frank P. Van Dresser Memorial Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine Award
A commemorative certificate and monetary award donated by Dr. William...
Varies Giving Back Scholarship Fund
A need and merit based award established to provide support for a DVM...
Varies Greater Fredericksburg Ken Club Awd
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club is a one...
Varies Harry & Mildred Raulet Scholarship
An award for veterinary students at Virginia Tech.
Varies Harry P. Hancock, Jr. Equine Scholarship
This award shall be given to a student with demonstrated interest in...
Varies Heather N. Hendrickson Memorial Sch
The Heather N. Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship is a one-time annual...
Varies Herman Fiedler Scholarship for Students from Rural Areas
This award is provided by Dr. Marion F. Ehrich in memory of both of her...
Varies I.D. Wilson Memorial Biology Award for Veterinary Medicine Students
An award to support a veterinary professional student at the VMRCVM,...
Varies James M. Stevens Award
A commemorative certificate and monetary award for Virginia residents...
Varies John T. Stanley Award
Funded by Virginia Tech, the John T. Stanley Award is a one-time...
Varies Joyce K. and William H. Lavinder Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Award for students who are residents of Southern Virginia with...
Varies K.T. & Jerry Archer Animal Protection Student Support Fund
DVM Scholarship provided for DVM students. First preference will be...
Varies Leicester & Harriet Handsfield Scholarship
This award is for scholastic achievement and commitment to the practice...
Varies Marion A. and Annie W. Williams Fellowship
An award established to support financially deserving Virginia resident...
Varies Mary Kemble Barnes Award
This award was established to assist rising second or third year...
Varies Mary Sue Collins Scholarship
Merit-Based Scholarship for students in Vet Med who show an interest...
Varies Maryland Kennel Club Scholarship
A scholarship awarded to a student from each class with recipients being...
Varies Michael Pirrung Award
This award is given to a third year VA resident student awarded on a...
Varies Minor Family Endowed Veterinary Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Minor Family Endowed Veterinary Scholarship...
Varies Nancy P. Morrisette Memorial Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine
An award established with preference given for demonstrated need and...
Varies NOVA Cat Clinic Scholarship
Scholarship will be awarded to a student in good standing with an...
Varies Patricia A. Ridgway Veterinary Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student with primary interest in feline...
Varies Potomac Regional Veterinary Scholarship
One scholarship awarded for each state- D.C. Virginia, Maryland and West...
Varies Richard & Marie Venable Scholarship
Award scholarship aid to students enrolled in the VA-MD Regional College...
Varies Roanoke Valley Horseman's Association Scholarship
An annual award presented to a first, second, or third year former...
Varies Ruth S. Fleming Scholarship
An award given to second year veterinary students who have demonstrated...
Varies Samantha Grace Schultz Memorial Veterinary Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Samantha Grace Schultz Scholarship, managed...
Varies Sherrie Clark Compassion and Caring Awad
An award to recognize a fourth-year student, who exhibits special...
Varies Sundance "Second Time Around" Award
This award is given in memory of “Sundance”, to a fourth year student...
Varies Teressa Beier (B.S. Biology '74) Endowed Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Teressa Beier (B.S. Biology ’74) Endowed...
Varies The Carolyn Adele Russell Neurology Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the The Carolyn Adele Russell Neurology...
Varies VA Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship
An award to support Virginia resident DVM students with demonstrated...
Varies Virginia Kennel Club Scholarship
This award is for DVM students from Virginia resident and is based upon...
Varies VVMA Keith de la Cruz, DVM, Memorial Endowed Scholarship in VMCVM
Funded by the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association with the help of...
Varies West Virginia Veterinary Medical Foundation Scholarship
An award established for a third year West Virginia resident in good...
Varies Lee R. and Regina Aultice Steeneck Experiential Learning Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Lee R. and Regina Aultice Steeneck...
Varies Austin Michelle Cloyd Social Justice Scholarship
Austin Michelle Cloyd Social Justice Scholarship VT Engage: The Center...
Varies MIT Scholars
Funded by Virginia Tech, the MIT Scholarship provides an average of...
Varies Dallas Kinser & RT Johnson Scholarship
Scholarships to undergraduates or graduate studying chemistry. ...
Varies zzzz - James M. Brooking Loan Fund
A need and merit based scholarship seeking entering freshman.
$0.00 zzzzz - Charles J. Sharitz Scholarship
Varies Cameron Smook Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships for students majoring in Mining and Minerals Engineering.
Varies Martin-Marietta Aircraft Scholarship
Scholarship seeking students planning to study courses that are most...
Varies J. Ambler Johnston Scholarship
Scholarship for History MA students that supports research interests in...
Varies McNair Alumni Fund
Support graduate students in the Department of Chemistry.
$2,625.00 MLSoC Annual Scholarship Fund
Varies BC Capstone Senior Project Award
Annual BC Capstone Award
Varies Dr. Donald Zantop Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Harford County Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship
This scholarship is for a Maryland resident who is a rising fourth-year...
Varies Harry M. and Mildred M. Raulet Memorial Award
An award for a veterinary student enrolled in Virginia Tech.
Varies Heather N. Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship
An award given to students in good academic standing that are pursuing a...