Our Opportunities

Welcome to Scholarship Central!

Current Students – The General Application is currently open for the 2025-26 academic year. Please complete the General Application first, then check for any additional scholarship applications you would like to complete.

Prospective Students – Students applying for admission to Virginia Tech who wish to apply for scholarships first need to complete the admissions application. After submitting your admissions application, you will should receive an email from the Office of Admissions with instructions on creating your admissions portal login credentials. After logging into your admissions portal, you may login to the system by clicking on the Scholarship Central link. Students who applied for admission in a previous academic year should create new account credentials using the Applicant ID Number listed in the email from the Office of Admissions. Using login credentials from a previous admission application will result in a “Login Failed” error.

All Students – You should complete the General Application before attempting to complete any other scholarship application in the Scholarship Central system. The priority deadline to complete the General Scholarship Application is January 22, 2025.

All students should submit the FAFSA by January 22, 2025 for maximum scholarship consideration. Virginia Tech’s priority deadline to complete the FAFSA is March 1, 2025. If you have not done so already, please remember to complete the FAFSA by visiting: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. You must complete both the General Application and the FAFSA for maximum scholarship consideration.

Colleges with applications currently open in the system:

College of Liberal Arts and Human Science: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025.
College of Science: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025.
College of Natural Resources and Environment: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025.
Pamplin College of Business: Accounting and Information Systems (ACIS) only: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025.
Property Management (CLAHS) only: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025.
Student Affairs: deadline to apply is January 22, 2025, except for the Mossberg Tennis Scholarship which is March 15, 2025.
Alumni Chapter Scholarship Application: deadline to apply is February 1, 2025.
School of Visual Arts (SOVA): deadline to apply is February 28, 2025.
College of Engineering (continuing students only): deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.
School of Education (SOE): deadline to apply is April 18, 2025.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: deadline to apply for current and prospective freshman is January 22, 2025. The application will close for incoming transfer students on March 15, 2025. The application will be available for incoming and returning Agricultural Technology associate degree-seeking students until May 22, 2025.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Matt and Kelsey Quillen for Veterans Scholarship
The Matt and Kelsey Quillen for Veterans Scholarship was established by...
Varies The Austin Excellence Fund for Veterans
The Austin Excellence Fund for Veterans was established by Paul and...
Varies Global Education Office (GEO) Fall Scholarship Application
This application is for current students who are planning to study...
Varies Nyfeler Scholarship Fall 2025
Scholarship awarded to students studying abroad at the Steger Center in...
Varies Donald F. Morris Endowed Scholarship
A non-need scholarship seeking rising seniors with a Communication Major...
Varies Kathryn Thompson Leckie Memorial Scholarship
A merit-based scholarship given to students majoring in Multi-Media...
Varies Melinda Marie Somers Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship for students majoring in Communication Studies in Virginia...
Varies Mo Donaldson Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship seeking undergraduate students majoring in Communication...
Varies Robin Reed Journalism Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Robin Reed Journalism Scholarship is a one...
Varies Samuel G. Riley III Memorial Scholarship
Sam G. Riley Ill was a member of the Virginia Tech faculty, serving as a...
Varies Tech Sideline- Scholarship for Sports Journalism
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Tech Sideline-Endowed Scholarship for...
Varies The Edwin J. & Jane M. Ewing Scholarship for Study Abroad
Communication majors participating in a Study Abroad experience are...
Varies The Sylvia A. Owen Endowed Scholarship in Communication Studies
A scholarship seeking Communication majors. Recognizes students who...
Varies Carol M. Newman Scholarship
Apply Here! Funded and awarded by the German Club Alumni Foundation,...
Varies Centennial Leadership Award
Apply Here! Funded by the German Club Alumni Foundation, Inc. through...
Varies Dr. Barbara Lockee Native American Tribal Honors Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Dr. Barbara Lockee Native American Tribal...
Varies Frank N. Cowan Honors Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Frank N. Cowan, a Virginia...
Varies CLAHS Study Abroad Scholarship Application
This scholarship is made available by the College of Liberal Arts and...
Varies Pamplin College of Business Study Abroad Application
This need-based application (filed FAFSA-required) is intended for...
Varies Friends of Psychology Endowed Scholarship
A one-time scholarship for rising senior undergraduate students majoring...
Varies Mary Nolen Blackwood Endowed Scholarship
Funded by Virginia Tech, the Mary Nolen Blackwood Scholarship is a...
Varies College of Science Emergency Funds for Course Materials
The College of Science offers emergency funds for undergraduate students...
Varies Global Engineering Scholarship
This scholarship is designed to defray students’ costs for international...
Varies Arts Scholarship
For art/art history students.
Varies Davis Scholarship in Art
Scholarship aid to an entering freshman student majoring in art who is a...
Varies Dean & Rosina Carter Scholarship
For rising seniors in Art/Art History that demonstrate exceptional...
Varies Dean and Rosina Carter Honors Sholarship in the Visual Arts
For art/art history honors students that demonstrate excellent in class...
Varies Derek Myers Scholarship
Recipients shall be chosen based on merit and high academic achievement,...
Varies George Preston Frazer Art Scholarship
For juniors majoring in art and art history.
Varies Overton R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Virginia Tech is pleased to offer...
Varies Alexander D. DeShazo Endowed Scholarship
A need-based scholarship seeking a PCOB student with academic merit of...
Varies BB & T Scholarship
A scholarship seeking a rising junior or senior who is majoring in...
Varies Beulah Mae Vicks/PWC Diversity Scholarship
A scholarship seeking a Pamplin undergraduate from an underrepresented...
Varies Cathy Faoro Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship seeking a rising junior or senior in PCOB who has...
Varies David & Sharon Parcell Scholarship
A need-based scholarship seeking PCOB students with preference to...
Varies E. B. Wood, Jr. Scholarship
A need-based scholarship seeking an incoming freshman in PCOB who has...
Varies Elaine Caravati Ryan Scholarship
A scholarship seeking undergraduate PCOB students based on academic...
Varies Foster International Business Scholarship
A need-based scholarship seeking undergraduate PCOB students engaged in...
Varies George R. Irvin, Jr. Scholarship
A scholarship seeking undergraduate students in PCOB with demonstrated...
Varies Gregory Burton Memorial Scholarship In Business
A scholarship seeking undergraduate PCOB students who are members of...
Varies H. Webb & C. Maddox '33 Scholarship
A scholarship seeking a PCOB junior from Southwest Virginia. The...
Varies Henry J. & Louisa G. Dekker Scholarship
A scholarship seeking rising Junior and Senior students in PCOB on the...
Varies Hermann & Michele Buerger Scholarship
A need based scholarship seeking a PCOB student based on academic merit,...
Varies Hugh Fletcher, Jr. '54 Scholarship
A scholarship seeking rising seniors with a career interest in banking...
Varies Inez T. Ripley Endowed Scholarship In Business
A need-based scholarship seeking an upper class PCOB student with...
Varies J. Richard Tawes Memorial Scholarship
A need-based scholarship seeking rising junior or senior PCOB students...
Varies James S. Jackson Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship seeking PCOB undergraduate students with preference going...
Varies Jim & Marilyn Pollard Scholarship in Business
A need-based scholarship seeking a PCOB undergraduate student who is...
Varies John & Camille Milks Scholarship
A need-based scholarship for a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident who is...
Varies John H. Saunders Scholarship
A scholarship seeking undergraduate PCOB students whose majoring in...