K.T. & Jerry Archer Animal Protection Student Support Fund

Award shall be used to support student’s education, and educational activities and experiences related to improving the care of animals, and/or improving the quality of life for animals. Students chosen to receive the award shall submit a report on their project and results for the benefit of current and future students. A proposal must be submitted to Dr. Jacque Pelzer. Please contact Dr. Pelzer for additional information.

Veterinary Medicine Apply-To Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a cover letter that addresses how you fit the criteria for this scholarship. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page and should be a text file, Word, or PDF document. Your file should be identified by the name of the scholarship and your last name. For example, Nocka_Jones.doc would indicate an applicant with the last name Jones is applying for the Nocka Scholarship.