Finance Scholarship Application

The Finance Scholarship Application is open and available to undergraduate students majoring in finance, including CFPF, FBDA, FCFA, FCFM, FFAC, FNRM,

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your major in the College of Business?
  2. Please list & describe your community services activities and examples of leadership.
  3. Are you a VA resident?
  4. Are you a graduate of a high school from VA?
  5. Do you work to pay any portion of your educational expenses?
  6. If you do work to pay for your education, approximately what portion (%) do you pay for your educational expenses?
  7. If you do work, how many hours a week do you work?
  8. Are you a member of an experiential learning activity or group?
  9. If you answered "other" to the previous question, please list the experiential learning activity or group that you are a member of.
  10. Please list other student organizations in which you participate:
  11. Please upload your resume.
  12. What is your projected graduation date?
  13. Show 7 more