Global Education Office (GEO) Spring + Winter 2025

This application is for current students who are planning to study abroad in Spring + Winter 2025. The committee considers financial need (both FAFSA-demonstrated and need that might be missed by the FAFSA) and the quality of your essay responses.

  • Also for Graduate students (except for EMBA, MBA, CliGS or GPP Programs)
  • Also for international students (but only international students who are already Virginia Tech students planning to study abroad! This scholarship is NOT for international students who are trying to get accepted into Virginia Tech).
  • You can apply even if you’re not yet sure about your study abroad plans (you don’t need to have yet applied to a program, been accepted, paid a deposit, etc.)

Eligibility requirements:
GPA 2.5 or above
Enrollment in credit bearing programs
Enrollment in a program where tuition is paid to VT. Third Party and Autonomous Study programs are not eligible except for these 2 programs:

  • VT Partner Program: Refugee, Migrant, and Displacement Studies in Paris
  • VT Partner Program: Sophomore Experience in Bilbao and Seville, Spain (API)
    Project GO participants are not eligible (as the Project GO program fee is already paid for)
    Full-time enrollment (Fall semester: 12 VT credits minimum)

please DO NOT wait until the last moment. Scholarship Central locks down at midnight and we can’t manually override the system! In order for us to be able to score your application, all the materials need to be in the system (we cannot score emailed applications/videos). And we can’t upload anything for you as we don’t have those editing permissions. So, any scholarships not submitted by midnight cannot be reviewed – NO EXCEPTIONS!

Supplemental Questions
  1. Name (first, middle, last)
  2. Name of study abroad program (Third Party and Direct Enroll programs do not qualify)
  3. Study abroad term
  4. Study abroad year (you can only apply for the upcoming term, not for a next year)
  5. Will you be enrolled for the required minimum VT credits listed below? (Below required minimum or non-credit programs do not qualify.)
  6. The Global Education Office is increasing outreach to underrepresented groups to encourage greater participation in study abroad. You are not required to report or self-identify as belonging to an underrepresented group. Please check all boxes that apply:
  7. Are you a Presidential Scholarship Initiative (PSI) recipient?
  8. Are you a ROTC student, international student, or graduate student?
  9. Are you participating in a Project GO program?
  10. Introduce yourself (short video upload)
  11. Help us understand your financial constraints regarding study abroad. What financial barriers do you face other than what FAFSA captures? (FAFSA captures factors such as family income, debt, commitments, etc.) Therefore, DO NOT talk about parent’s income as we already have that information. This is purely to address anything that FAFSA DOES NOT cover.
  12. Why do you want to study abroad on this program?
  13. Honor code affirmation: I hereby declare that I have answered all questions truthfully in accordance with the Virginia Tech Honor Code.
  14. Financial Aid release of information
  15. Show 9 more