Saunders Family Graduate Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Mechanical Engineering

Funded by Virginia Tech, the Saunders Family Graduate Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Mechanical Engineering is available with the following selection guidelines and restrictions:
• M.S. or Ph.D. students may apply.
• One recipient shall be chosen each academic year. The recipient shall be a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering with demonstrated financial need; M.S. or Ph.D. students may apply, with preference given for an MS student.
• Preference shall be given for a student wishing to study mechanical and electrical engineering crossdisciplinary studies (for example: mechatronics, control theory.)
• Undergraduate transcripts will indicate a GPA between 3.2 and 3.6 for the undergraduate degree work, and between 3.4 and 3.8 for MS, if applicable.
• Applicants shall provide a strong letter of recommendation from a faculty member in Mechanical Engineering.
• A dossier of any academic achievements, social achievements, organization participation, etc. will be considered.
• This fellowship does not preclude other graduate student funding means (e.g. GRA, GTA); however, preference will be based on need.
• Selection of an advisor for graduate studies at the time of application is strongly recommended; however, preference will be based on financial need.
• The student must reapply for this fellowship each academic year, given that other financial support means are allowed simultaneously.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you studying/doing research or wishing to study/do research in a mechanical and electrical engineering cross-disciplinary area (i.e. mechatronics, control theory)?
  2. Please provide the email of a faculty member in Mechanical Engineering that can provide a strong letter of recommendation.