Austin Alumni Chapter Scholarship

Funded by Virginia Tech, the Austin Alumni Chapter Scholarship is a one-time scholarship awarded to incoming freshman or current students who reside within the geographic boundaries of the Austin Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.

Alumni Chapter
Supplemental Questions
  1. Grade Point Average:
  2. School and community extracurricular activities: Include dates of participation and offices or leadership positions; attach additional pages (if necessary):
  3. Please list any employment experiences that you have had.
  4. Please list any awards or honors that you have received.
  5. Virginia Tech’s motto is "Ut Prosim" which means 'That I May Serve'. We are interested in learning more about your interests and how you have been involved and/or served. Briefly describe a group, organization, or community that you have been involved with. Is this a special area of interest for you, and why? How long have you been involved? What role did you play? What contributions have you made to this group? Were you able to influence others and/or influence decisions for the good of the group?
  6. Describe a situation where you were involved or witness to an act of discrimination. How, or did, you respond? Do you wish you would have responded differently? Did this situation cause any change to happen based on this event and did you have a role in that change? What did you learn from this experience?
  7. Describe an example of a situation where you have significantly influenced others, took on a leadership role, helped resolve a dispute, or contributed to a group’s goals. What was your role, what responsibilities did you take on? Did you encounter any obstacles, and if so how did you respond, were you able to overcome them? What would you do differently?
  8. Briefly describe a personal goal you have set for yourself. Why this goal, what is your timeline to achieve this goal, what precipitated this goal? Have you turned to anyone for advice or help, what was their role, what did you learn about yourself, are you still working toward this goal?
  9. By my signature below, I attest to the accuracy of the statements on this application and hereby give my permission to the Chapter to verify all information herein. In the event that I am a recipient of this scholarship award, my signature indicates my permission for the Virginia Tech Alumni Association and the Chapter to release my name and use my photograph (if applicable) on the chapter website and other marketing materials.
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