Margaret Ellen Cater Hepler Memorial Fund

The fellowships provide excellent graduate students with financial support to work on their research project over the summer months. Eligibility:
Any HNFE graduate student who is actively working toward completion of a M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation project is eligible. Priority will be given to students who have not previously been awarded a Hepler Fellowship.

Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student during the spring semester with an overall cumulative GPA of 3.2.
Students may not concurrently hold both a Hepler Fellowship and another graduate assistantship for the summer. Students who have completed the collection of data for their degree and are in the phase of analyzing data or writing their thesis/dissertation are not eligible for the Hepler Award.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a cover letter adhering to the following guidelines: 1) Two pages, single spaced. 2) Include the student and faculty advisor signatures 3) Student level: master's or Ph.D. 4) Advisor's name 5) Overall GPA and graduate standing 6) Summary of progress on thesis or dissertation project 7) Previous research experience (list any publications or presentations).
  2. Please upload research project narrative adhering to following guidelines: 1) Three single-spaced pages 2) Font size > 11-point Arial 3) Page margins > 0.5 (1/2) inch 4) Abstract < 300 words 5) Specific aims and hypotheses 6) Background and significance (include a brief rationale and implications of the project) 7) Experimental approach (research design and methods, proposed statistical analyses, possible limitations/alternate approaches, future directions, and timeline for project completion) 8) References (not included in three-page limit) 9) Be sure to include citations where appropriate through your submission
  3. By signing this document, you are indicating that this work is solely your own with minimal editing and/or writing by your faculty advisor. Please type your name in the box below to agree.